Nebraska Utility Contractors

Bauer Underground is Nebraska’s leading Utility Installation Contractor, offering services that include Horizontal Directional Drilling, Trenching Excavation, Site Preparation, Conduit Pull, Utility Repair, and Utility Placement.  From expanding the fiber network in partnership with Allo across the states of Nebraska and Colorado communities, to installing underground power in urban areas with LES and NPPD, we have the expertise and versatility to get your project completed efficiently and professionally. If you have a public or private utility job, Bauer Underground has the reputation, the experience, the equipment, and the expert crew to get it done.

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

Horizontal directional drilling, sometimes referred to as Directional Boring, has quickly become the preferred method for installing utilities beneath obstacles that can’t be efficiently crossed using an open trench. To accomplish this, special machinery is utilized to install underground conduits which have nearly no impact to surface areas and practically no disruption to the flow of traffic, landscaping, and surrounding structures. Directional boring is an advantageous approach in situations where trenching or excavating is impractical.

The accuracy, reliability, and availability of HDD allow for the installation of a wide range of underground utilities, in both terms of diameter and distance, in locations that include residential developments and congested urban areas. Whether you’re expanding your fiber network to a new community, or looking to install underground power in an urban area, HDD can be applied to your next telephone, fiber, cable, electric, water, or sewer project.

Trenching Excavation


Before you can begin any construction project

you must prepare your site. If the construction site is not properly prepared before construction work begins, the entire project can be compromised. Site preparation includes land excavation, grading, leveling, stabilization, and dirt preparation.

Whether your excavation project is big or small, Bauer Underground has the equipment, expertise, and experts necessary to complete the job efficiently. We use the right machinery to deliver 100% satisfaction on every project we complete.

Site Preparation

Before you can begin any construction project, you must prepare your site. If the construction site is not properly prepared before construction work begins, the entire project can be compromised. Site preparation includes land excavation, grading, leveling, stabilization, and dirt preparation.

Initial grading work requires attention to items such as minimal site disturbance, limiting the number of access points to a work site to control off-site mud tracking, locating of temporary and permanent soil disposal areas, haul road, and construction staging areas to minimize erosion, and sediment transport. It also includes clearing, grading, and preparing a construction site for built features such as roads, utilities, building, parking lots, and the site drainage system.




